Legal Notice

Certain functionalities described herein or in other product documentation are available only if the software is appropriately configured. Depending on the product series, software is configured either in consultation with your AEB representative or with the help of documentation obtained from your AEB representative. Details are set forth in your agreement with AEB.

"AEB" always refers to the company with which you as a customer have concluded the respective agreement. This is either AEB SE or any majority-held subsidiary of the same. An overview of these subsidiaries can be found on our website In case of an exception, the respective company will be mentioned explicitly.

The program may only be used in accordance with the conditions set forth in the license agreement.

Trademarks in this product information are not explicitly marked as such, as is the norm in technical documentation:

  • Adobe, Acrobat, and Reader are brands or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc.
  • HTML and XML are brands or registered trademarks of W3C®, World Wide Web Consortium,
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • TIBCO Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Suite is a trademark of TIBCO SOFTWARE INC.
  • Java and Oracle are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation.
  • Microsoft Windows, MS Word, MS Excel and MS SQL are registered trademarks of Microsoft
  • Salesforce, Sales Cloud, and others are trademarks of, inc.
  • SAP and SAP S/4HANA are brands or registered trademarks of SAP SE.

All other product names are assumed to be registered trademarks of the respective company. All trademarks are recognized.

The information contained herein is non-binding and for information purposes only.

All rights, especially copyrights, are reserved. No part of this product information or the corresponding program may be reproduced or copied in any form (print, photocopy, or other process) without the written consent of AEB. This product information is provided solely to customers of AEB for their internal use in conjunction with software licensed from AEB. This information may not be shared in any form with third parties, except the employees of the customer, without the written consent of AEB, and then also exclusively for use in conjunction with software licensed from AEB or AFI Solutions GmbH (AFI GmbH).

AEB add-ons for SAP®: Use of AEB product code
Maintenance and development may at any time cause changes to the standard system’s internal programming. For this reason, the customer is prohibited from programming in such a way that directly addresses internal programming functionalities (such as in the SAP® object code). This restriction does not extend to documented code designed to facilitate customer use, such as an interface for accessing product functionalities.

© AEB SE 2017-2019