Change the data for screening checks
You can adapt the data to be checked by Compliance Screening using one of the following BAdI:
BAdI name | BAdI description |
/AEB/CMP_SALES_DC_04 | Exclude certain partners in sales doument from check |
/AEB/CMP_SALES_DC_05 | Which partner no. (customer or vendor no) to use in sales documents |
/AEB/CMP_DLV_DC_04 | Which partner no. (customer or vendor no) to use in delivery doc. |
/AEB/CMP_SALES_DC_07 | Screening sales document: after standard filling |
/AEB/CMP_DLV_DC_07 | Screening delivery: after standard filling |
/AEB/CMP_PURCH_DC_03 | Screening purchase document: after standard filling |
/AEB/CMP_CUSTOMER_05 | Screening customer: after standard filling |
/AEB/CMP_DP_DESCR_01 | Determine the origin of an address |
/AEB/CMP_DP_DESCR_02 | Determine the type of an address |
/AEB/CMP_BUS_PRT_08 | Business Partner: After standard filling |
Screening checks for address IDs
This example implementation uses the "after standard filling" method of an BAdI to add an address ID. Compliance checks can be executed for supported kinds of address IDs, e.g. a passport number, a tax number, DUNS number, etc.
address_ids TYPE /aeb/cmp_pb_address_id_dos,
address_id TYPE REF TO /aeb/if_cmp_pb_address_id_do.
address_id = im_data_object_factory->new_cmp_pb_adress_id_do(
im_id_type = 'PASSPORT_NO'
im_id_value = '7453987234' ).
APPEND address_id TO address_ids.
ch_doc_partners[ 1 ]-ids = address_ids.
Updated 8 months ago