Writing Custom Log Entries

Traceability and transparency is an important factor for customer developments. For this reason we provide public classes to create log entries into the AEB log application, so they can be seen with one look together with the standard logs by AEB. This also includes all the standard features of the AEB log applications like mail distribution and the authorization concept.

Customs Management/AEB/CL_AES_PB_LOGGER_BC
Trade Compliance Management/AEB/CL_CMP_PB_LOGGER_BC
Carrier Connect/AEB/CL_PA_PB_LOGGER_BC
Product Classification/AEB/CL_TA_PB_LOGGER_BC
Origin & Preferences/AEB/CL_WU_PB_LOGGER_BC
Monitoring & Alerting/AEB/CL_MA_PB_LOGGER_BC
      logger       TYPE REF TO /aeb/cl_cmp_pb_logger_bc,
      logtext      TYPE string.

    logtext = 'A fatal error occured. Please leave the building.'.

    logger = /aeb/cl_cmp_pb_logger_bc=>new( ).
    logger->create_log_critical( im_org_unit = '1000'
                                 im_ref_no   = '123'
                                 im_log_text = logtext ).