Individual address check
The following functions are available to trigger the screening check in a flexible way.
Please note that these functions will not create any entries in the Compliance monitor entries nor logs .
If you would like to do a screening check for any kind of address (even if there is not an existing document / master data record in the system) you can use one of the following function modules:
Each function module provides the following import parameters:
Field name | Type | Description |
(1) IM_ADDR1_VAL (2) IM_ADDRNR (3) IM_ADDRHANDLE | (1) ADDR1_VAL (2) ADDR1_VAL-ADDRNUMBER (3) ADDR1_VAL-ADDRHANDLE | (1) Structure with address values (2) address number (3) address handle |
IM_SUPPRESS_ENGINE_LOGGING | CHAR1 | Flag to supress logs |
IM_RFC_DESTINATION | RFCDEST | Defined destination to AEB engine |
IM_ENGINE_CLIENT | /AEB/CMP_ENGN_CLIENT | Client name from the AEB engine |
IM_ENGINE_PROFILE | /AEB/CMP_ENGN_PROFILE | Profile Name from the AEB engine |
IM_REF_COMMENT | CHAR255 | Comment for the check – e.g. a document ID or master data ID (optional) |
IM_REF_ID | /AEB/CMP_ENTRY_REF_ID | An internal reference number (optional) |
IM_ORG_UNIT | /AEB/CMP_PB_ORG_UNIT | If provided, used to retrieve engine client and profile. Replaces the corresponding import parameters. |
IM_ADDRESS_TYPE | CHAR20 | Possible values are: • "individual" • "entity" • "meansOfTransport" • "unknown" |
Updated 9 months ago