Further functions


This class is a direct representation of the engine interface. For further information see https://customsmanagement.docs.developers.aeb.com/docs/about-product-classification Initialy you can use the method REQUEST_CLASSIFICATION for reading classifications directly from the engine or (depending on the engine settings) force the creation of those classification values in the engine. This method can also be used to set the priority and reference of classifications in the engine (if the classification is not yet approved completely).

  pb_bf         TYPE REF TO /aeb/cl_ta_pb_material_bf,
  result        TYPE REF TO /aeb/cl_ta_pb_req_cls_res_do,
  exception     TYPE REF TO /aeb/cx_01_pb_bf_inv_sc,
  error_message TYPE string.

pb_bf = /aeb/cl_ta_pb_material_bf=>new_for( 'DEFAULT' ). "Organisational unit

    result = pb_bf->request_classification(
        im_material_no                = 'M-11'
        im_profile_code               = 'DE'
        im_priority                   = '3'
        im_reference                  = 'Reference' ).
  CATCH /aeb/cx_01_pb_bf_inv_sc INTO exception.
    error_message = exception->/aeb/if_01_cx_message~get_msg_as_str( ).