Transfer data objects
The AEB Plug-in checks each delivery to determine whether it should be transmitted to Monitoring & Alerting. This decision can be modified using the following BAdIs.
Data object | BAdI name | BAdI method |
Sales order | /AEB/MA_SDOC_CR_01 | IS_TO_TRANSFER |
Delivery | /AEB/MA_DLV_CR_01 | IS_TO_TRANSFER |
Shipment | /AEB/MA_CWT_SHP_03 | IS_TO_TRANSFER |
Let's provide an example coding that shows how you can only transfer deliveries that are shipped to recievers inside the European Union.
METHOD /aeb/if_ex_ma_dlv_cr_01~is_to_transfer.
LOOP AT im_vbpas INTO DATA(ls_vbpa).
IF ls_vbpa-parvw = 'WE'.
SELECT SINGLE xegld FROM t005 WHERE land1 = @ls_vbpa-land1 INTO @DATA(lv_xegld).
IF lv_xegld IS INITIAL.
ch_is_to_transfer = '-'.
Updated over 3 years ago