Determination and allocation of values
Even simple fields are represented as objects, so-called Nullable Values (recognizable by the ending _NV). This makes it possible in the BAdI to differentiate whether a value is to be "zero" or empty. There is also a data object factory for Nullable Values, which is available as an importing parameter in the corresponding BAdIs.
Example | Meaning |
Document_value_as_nv = im_nullable_value_factory->dec_15_2( 0 ). | Value is 0.00. |
Document_value_as_nv = im_nullable_value_factory->dec_15_2( ‘15.23’ ). | Value is 15.23. |
Clear document_value_as_nv. | instance is "zero"/null and the value is not interpreted. |
items TYPE /aeb/if_cmp_pb_ec_item_do=>tt_ec_item_do,
curr_item TYPE REF TO /aeb/if_cmp_pb_ec_item_do,
prd TYPE REF TO /aeb/if_cmp_pb_ec_prd_cls_do.
items = im_value->get_items( ).
LOOP AT items INTO curr_item.
IF curr_item->get_material_number( )->v = 'MAT_TEST'.
prd = im_data_object_factory->new_cmp_pb_ec_prd_cls_do( ).
prd->set_classification_identcode( im_nullable_value_factory->char_50( 'ClassificationAusfuhrliste') ).
prd->set_classification_number( im_nullable_value_factory->char_50( '0001' ) ).
curr_item->add_product_classification( prd ).
new_aom TYPE REF TO /aeb/if_aes_pb_aom_do,
value_nv TYPE REF TO /aeb/cl_01_dec_17_2_nv.
value_nv = im_nullable_value_factory->dec_17_2( '100.25' ).
new_aom = im_cons_data_object_factory->new_aes_pb_aom_do_v1(
im_currency_iso = 'EUR'
im_value = value_nv ).
Updated over 2 years ago