Further general functions
BAdIs to handle result of a shipping order update
To handle the result of the creation or every update of a shipping order, there are two BAdIs:
Result handling with GUI: /AEB/PA_SHP_RES_01
Result handling in the background (no GUI): /AEB/PA_SHP_RES_02
Get master data from Carrier Cloud for SAP
Sometimes it might be helpful to get master data from Carrier Cloud, e.g. codes of service types. Use this function module for that purpose: /AEB/PA_PB_GET_CAR_PROPS
Write log entries
Using methods of the public API class /AEB/CL_PA_PB_CARRIER_BF will not write any log entries. But you can use the class /AEB/CL_PA_PB_LOGGER_BC and the response data from the call to write a log entry.
Write an error or a warning log entry based on the result type:
IF result->has_error( ) = 'X'. logger->create_log_error( ). ELSEIF result->has_warning( ) ...
Define a different mail recipient
Use this BAdI to define a different mail recipient when receiving a shipping order back in SAP: /AEB/PA_SHP_DLV_03. Requires setup of mails using the distribution framework of the add-on: Mail distribution
Change the interface profile for TM based business objects
The add-on collects certain data from TM business objects depending on the settings in the collector profile. This profile is assigned to the export interface in the configuration. If you have the requirement for selecting a different profile, you can use the BAdI /AE1/80_PROF_FRO_01
The BAdI method CHG_PROFILE_ID_FOR_FREIGHT_ORD has the following parameters:
- header data of the business object (TM freight order, freight booking or consignment)
- organizational unit as determined by the add-on
- an object containing the profile ID - chnage the value if required
Open shipping order application in Carrier Connect for a SAP document
SAP Object | Public Class |
Delivery | /AEB/CL_PA_PB_DLV_DLS_AC |
Shipment | /AEB/CL_PA_PB_SHP_DLS_AC |
Freight order | /AE1/CL_PA_PB_FRO_DLS_AC |
Updated about 2 months ago