Export process and paperless trade
Once you're shipping to non domestic destinations, the carrier might require customs related data to handle clearance. You can use the method UPDATE_CUSTOMS_DATA of class /AEB/CL_PA_PB_CARRIER_BF to update customs data for an existing shipping order. Updates can be done on header and item level.
Required data could reference numbers (MRN), item values, etc. See API - Update customs data for a documentation of the available fields for an update.
"Paperless trade" usually means the upload of certain documents provided by customs, e.g. an export accompaning document (EAD). See Attach documents for more infomation.
"Update Customs data
DATA: lo_update_customs_data_request TYPE REF TO /aeb/cl_pa_pb_upd_cust_req_do,
ls_likp TYPE likp,
lt_lips TYPE /aeb/01_lipss,
lo_reference_text TYPE REF TO /aeb/cl_pa_pb_ref_text_ucd_do,
lt_reference_texts TYPE /aeb/cl_pa_pb_ref_text_ucd_do=>tt_ref_text_ucd_do,
lv_mrn TYPE /aeb/01_char500,
lt_langs TYPE /aeb/01_char2s,
lv_lang TYPE /aeb/01_char2 VALUE 'DE'
SELECT SINGLE * FROM likp WHERE vbeln = '0080000000' INTO @ls_likp.
SELECT * FROM lips WHERE vbeln = '0080000000' INTO TABLE @lt_lips.
"Gather connection parameters
DATA(lo_org_unit_bc) = /aeb/cl_pa_pb_dlv_ou_rule_bc=>new_for(
im_likp = ls_likp
im_lipss = lt_lips
DATA(lv_org_unit) = lo_org_unit_bc->get_org_unit( ).
DATA(lo_connection_parms_bc) = /aeb/cl_pa_pb_engn_prm_bc=>get_instance( ).
DATA(lo_engn_prm) = lo_connection_parms_bc->get_engn_prm_do_for( im_org_unit = lv_org_unit ).
DATA(lo_carrier_bf) = /aeb/cl_pa_pb_carrier_bf=>new_for(
im_engn_prm = lo_engn_prm
im_org_unit = lv_org_unit
DATA(lo_reference_bc) = /aeb/cl_pa_pb_dlv_shp_ref_bc=>new_for( im_likp = ls_likp ).
DATA(lv_shp_ref) = lo_reference_bc->get_shp_ref_do( ).
APPEND lv_lang TO lt_langs.
CREATE OBJECT lo_update_customs_data_request.
lo_update_customs_data_request->set_client_identcode( im_value = lo_engn_prm->get_engine_client( ) ).
lo_update_customs_data_request->set_client_system_id( im_value = sy-sysid && '_' && sy-mandt ).
"Necessary for carrier individuel values
* lo_add_fields_record = lo_data_object_factory->new_01_gen_data_rec_do( ).
* lo_add_field = lo_data_object_factory->new_01_gen_data_field_do(
* im_name =
* im_type =
* im_value =
* ).
* lo_add_fields_record->set_fields( im_value = lt_add_fields ).
* lo_update_customs_data_request->set_additional_values( im_value = lo_add_fields_record ).
CREATE OBJECT lo_reference_text.
lo_reference_text->set_type( im_value = 'CUSTOMS_REGISTRATION_NUMBER' ).
lv_mrn = '1234567890'.
lo_reference_text->set_value( im_value = lv_mrn ).
lo_update_customs_data_request->set_customs_references_texts( im_value = lt_reference_texts ).
lo_update_customs_data_request->set_result_language_iso_codes( im_value = lt_langs ).
lo_update_customs_data_request->set_shipment_reference( im_value = lv_shp_ref ).
lo_update_customs_data_request->set_username( im_value = sy-uname ).
DATA(lo_update_result) = lo_carrier_bf->update_customs_data( im_request = lo_update_customs_data_request ).
CATCH /aeb/cx_01_pb_bf_inv_sc. " Communication exception
"Error handling here
"End of update Customs data
Updated 2 months ago