Material variant BOM

Data export steps

  1. Explode BOM using function module CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2
  2. Relevant for transfer?
  3. Filling
    3.1 Fill BOM on first level
    3.2 For all items
    3.2.1 Check if item is a configurable material, continue only if it is
    3.2.2 Relevant for transfer?
    3.2.3 Fill material
    3.2.4 Fill BOM on current level

Step details

Relevant for transfer?

  1. Check if head material is to export
    1.1 Relevant type of rule: Definition of materials to be exported
    1.2 Setting „Transfer bills of material as deleted in case of error"
  2. Check if any item (on first level) is to export
    2.1 Relevant type of rule: Definition of materials to be exported
  3. BAdI /AEB/WU_PLCMAT_OU_01 – is_conf_mat_to_export

Fill BOM

BAdI /AEB/WU_PLCMPL_CR_01 – after_standard_filling

Fill material

BAdI /AEB/WU_PLCMAT_CR_01 – after_standard_filling

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